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Leaf Collection

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Winter 2024
SOCCRA is accepting up to 10 bags of yard waste per day -- no appointment necessary (proof of residency required)

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Don't like raking leaves?
There's good news for you! Recent studies show that mowing leaves into your lawn can improve its vigor! Several uni­versities found that organic matter and nutrients from leaves mown into lawn areas improves turf quality! It's easy and effective - give it a try this fall.

There are two types of collection depending on whether your street is curbed or uncurbed.

Curbed Streets  

2024 Leaf Pickup Calendar Schedule

To Assure Pick-Up:

  • You are asked to rake the leaves into the street the weekend prior to your zone pickup. Windrow leaves in the street immediately next to the curb.
  • Do not rake leaves into the street after your final scheduled collection date. To do so risks being cited for an ordinance violation and billed for collection. It also risks having the leaves blown back onto the parkway in the event of snow.

Uncurbed Streets  
Residents living on uncurbed streets may use the following containers for leaves:

  • Brown paper yard waste bags, 30 gallon size, found at most hardware stores.       
  • Rigid 35 gallon containers that contain Birmingham's yard waste decal.  Decals can be obtained at the Department of Public Services, 851 S. Eton Road or the Clerk's office, located at City Hall, 151 Martin Street.

Place approved containers curbside by 7 A.M. on your trash day.
LeavesYard waste is collected each year until the third Friday in December.

Please note: Leaves in plastic bags are not acceptable. Leaves set out in plastic bags will not be collected. Also, please note that it is a violation of City ordinance to remove leaves from homes on uncurbed streets and deposit them on curbed streets, or to remove leaves from one side of a curbed street and place them across the street.