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Voting Locations/ Where to Vote

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Voting at the Polls - Voting Locations for Birmingham Residents

The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

You will need to bring photo identification, such as your driver’s license or passport.  You do not need your voter registration card.  If you do not have photo ID, you may sign the Affidavit of Voter Not in Possession of Picture Identification in order to vote. Check out the Election Day Voter Information poster for more guidance. 

Every vote is important! More information on ensuring & securing your vote is available on the linked poster.

To identify your precinct, please visit www.Michigan.gov/VOTE. The information is also on your voter registration card.

Your voter identification card indicates the precinct location where you vote for all elections. Find your voting precincts on our precinct map

PRECINCT 1      Holy Name School,680 Harmon (Corner of Greenwood) Use north entrance 
PRECINCT 2 Derby Middle School,1300 Derby (East of Adams) Room 100
PRECINCT 3  Derby Middle School,1300 Derby (East of Adams) Room 101
PRECINCT 4  First Presbyterian Church,1669 West Maple  Use south entrance 
PRECINCT 5  Next (formerly BASCC)/Midvale School, 2121 Midvale  Voting in gym, use east entrance 
PRECINCT 6  Baldwin Public Library, 300 West Merrill Voting in the lower level Rotary Room 
PRECINCT 7  Pierce School,1829 Pierce   Voting in gym 
PRECINCT 8  Adams Fire Station,572 South Adams Use west entrance 
PRECINCT 9   Ice Arena, 2300 East Lincoln Voting in conference room