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Ad Hoc Joint Senior Services Committee

Updated: Sep 9, 2021
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Established by Resolution 06-189-18.

The governing bodies of the Birmingham Public Schools, City of Birmingham, Village of Beverly Hills, Village of Bingham Farms, Village of Franklin and Southfield Township wish to explore ways to meet the increasing demand for senior services, and therefore established the Ad Hoc Joint Senior Services Committee to develop and recommend a long term plan for addressing the increasing demand for senior services.


  1. One elected official from each respective Governing Body.
  2. One resident member from each respective municipality appointed by each municipality.
  3. One ex officio member from each school and municipal administration.

All terms are until March 30, 2019.


To develop a long term plan on how to best proceed in addressing the increasing demand for senior services in accordance with the following:

  1. Review the Joint Senior Services Committee Final Recommendation to the Municipalities Report from June 2013.
  2. Evaluate current service demands and projected trends for senior demographics and future service demands.
  3. Analyze current funding sources and operational structure of the current contracted senior service model.
  4. Compare and contrast current senior services funding and governance models in the participating communities to other area communities and best practices.
  5. Review and evaluate cost and budget implications of any proposed recommendations and include strategic funding alternatives.
  6. Compile the Committee’s findings and recommendations into a report to be presented at the end of the Committee’s term.

The Committee is not authorized to expend funds or enter into agreements. All recommendations made by the Committee shall be in the form of a report to the Governing Body. The committee recently prepared and endorsed a draft Interlocal Agreement for Senior Services that is being reviewed by surrounding communities.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the Ad Hoc Joint Senior Services Committee, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 248.530.1880.  

Board Member  
Brad Host Birmingham Elected Official
Gordon Rinschler Birmingham Resident
Tom Markus Birmingham e-officio administration official

City boards and committees are now meeting in-person with a virtual option available to the public. Individuals who would like to attend meetings in person can access City Hall from the Martin Street entrance during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  For meetings that occur after hours, visitors can access City Hall through the Police Department lobby entrance on Pierce Street. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated should continue to wear a mask during meetings and while in City Hall.

Virtual Option for the Public

Members of the public who prefer to attend meetings virtually may continue to do so. Download Zoom instructions here.  Zoom information for each meeting can be found at the bottom of meeting agendas or by scrolling down to Meeting Notices for further information.

Watching City Meetings

The community may also watch many City meetings on the local cable access channel and by web streaming on the City's Vimeo channel.

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